

Auto insurance costs too much! Find out why it costs so much, what the rates mean, why GEICO charges 20 year old women more than men and what you can do about it.

Read more auto insurance here.


Holding business and corporations accountable is crucial to protecting consumers.  Learn more abot CFPB and Payday Lending services. 

Read more consumer protections here.


Bees impact our food, economy, and health; it’s time to protect them.  Find out why bees are dying across the globe, alternatives to pesticides, how you can help and take action.

Read more about Bees here.


Auto insurance costs too much! Learn why here READ MORE


Holding business and corporations accountable is crucial to protecting consumers. READ MORE

Health Care

The American Health Care system isn’t working but it doesn’t have to be that way. READ MORE


Bees impact our food, economy, and health; it’s time to protect them. READ MORE